Selasa, 08 Mei 2012


Every moment of your life is like a picture you've never seen, and images that will never be seen again. So, enjoy your life and make every moment beautiful.

Do not spoil what you have right now to pursue something that you might not have. Because, what you have today could be one of the many things that you most dream of.

If you pray, do not ask for an easy life, but ask God to make you a stronger person.

Life is like a bicycle mengendaradi. To maintain balance, the bike had to go. Similarly, this life.

Celebrate every day of your life tomorrow will surely come very quickly.

Education is not preparation for life because real education is life itself.

Nothing is softer than the power, and there is nothing stronger than gentleness.

The fool always thought that god is on his side. Instead, the wise man is always trying to draw close to God.

A smile is the little things that can make life easier.

Living through the streets unhindered very rarely lead to success.

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